to answer your question : means a girl who live in a tropical country..hihi..

Thursday, March 10, 2005

Voor U....

Kijk me eens aan
had jij gedacht dat we hier samen zouden staan
zij aan zij
ik kan het niet geloven
hoe vaak ben ik niet bijna bij je weggegaan
of jij bij mij
maar steeds als je bijna buiten was
dan pakte ik je handen vast
en jij kwam terug
en steeds wanneer ik zei dat ik zou gaan
kwam jij me toch weer achterna
en nooit heb ik spijt gehad
nooit een moment

dus waarom zeg je me nu dat het over is
en waarom weet je het zeker
als het water ons samen tot de lippen stond
of een van ons tweeen het niet leuk meer vond
was er altijd die ander
die zachtjes zei
ik hou zo veel van jou

kijk me eens aan
we hebben samen zo vaak in de storm gestaan
in de zee
met huizenhoge golven
we waren sterker dan de krachtigste orkaan
met z'n twee
steeds als ik haast verdrinken zou
dan klampte ik me vast aan jou
en jij was daar
of ik kwam naar je toe en ving
jou op wanneer je bijna onderging
en nooit heb ik spijt gehad
nee, nooit een moment

en waarom zeg je me nu dat het over is
en waarom weet je het zeker
als het water ons samen tot de lippen stond
of als een van ons tweeen het niet leuk meer vond
was er altijd die ander die dan zachtjes zei
ik hou zo veel ...
van jou

Marco Borsato

Tuesday, March 08, 2005


I'm bored.. i'm sleepy.. I miss sammy. I haven't heard from him since valentines. Anyway.. i find it strange that i miss Damian instead. I'm cursed hahahahahahaha... I think about him lately. How is he doing now. What's he doing . How is his thesis. Is he still mad at me? He never reply my emails. Perhaps he already forget about me. Perhaps he didn't even mean all the things he said. I do hope though that he would be happy.

Geen idee

Looking back.....

I'm thinking about my friends in college lately. I miss the days when we hung out together. When we went to eat together. I miss the days when we travel a lot to small cities and exciting places with our motorbikes. I miss spending time in beaches and mountain range with them. I miss the day when we skipped class...hahahaha.. skipping class. I hardly remember the last time i did that.
When i was in high school i could NOT skip class...not even once. My high school was a private one for girls only. I remember the principal was sooooooo mean..... She was and still and would always be a nun. I miss high school days too. We could not skip class because of those dedicated guards...hahahaha.. I love my high school. Although i could only flirt (did I?) with the male teachers, but i never regret it.
Now things change. Every body leaves eventually. Sometime i wish that things are the same as they used to be. Naaaa... that's not possible. But since i always believe that everything is possible except if you want to be God,..than i think it's possible that things can be the same as they used to be. Uhm... how can we do that? If i want to make things static, does it mean that i'm playing God? Uhm... it's not possible then. But it's possible with ashton kutcher in butterfly effect hahahahahaha...
I'm going home to my hometown this weekend, and i'm going to meet my old friends. I'm happpyyyyy................I'm going to spend my weekend with them. But not all of them i guess. I had and hopefully still have 12 close friends when i was in college. But like i said before, things change. Some of them have changed..and perhaps so do i. We're getting apart with reasons that i don't understand. Just like i would not understand the reason why Damian chose not to contact me anymore. I always hurt him with my words..but if only he knew me, he would know by now that i'm a And perhaps that's my fault too..not giving him the chance to know me.
And so.. why didn't i let him know me? Sam, that's why. I want damian as a friend because my heart is occupied. I wished he understood how hard it was and is for me fighting for the most important thing in my life. It's hard.. and painful. Uhm...and why am i talking about damian again..?