to answer your question : means a girl who live in a tropical country..hihi..

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Today Horoscope... uhm.. masa siii

October 23 - November 21

Positive changes in your financial situation may finally manifest today after considerable time and effort. This could be money that you've earned yourself, or it could be some kind of settlement or inheritance. Either way, dear Scorpio, it marks a turning point for you with regard to your income. You might be inspired to strive for even higher goals, for continued prosperity, as you aren't generally one to rest on your laurels. Onward and upward!

Kok gak gitu ya rasanya....
hari ini musti bayar kos dah gitu akhir bulan ini mau mudik berarti kan harus beli tiket...
Jadi ini turning point menuju onward and upward ato downward?


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